Promo image of Stan Tekiela

Guest Judge – Stan Tekiela

by / 0 Comments / 196 View / February 13, 2015

We’re pleased to announce our first guest judge, Stan Tekiela. Stan is a renowned naturalist, wildlife photographer, author and radio show host. Over the past 30 years, Stan has produced over 133 books and audio CDs. Stan is the owner of NatureSmart, where you can find his work in all forms.

Over the next week, we will feature an interview with Stan and some of the content he has produced.

To make this competition extra special, we will be offering the following prizes to the winners:

  1. A 3′ x 4′ canvas print from Paint Addict Studios and a copy of A Year in Nature with Stan Tekiela from NatureSmart.
  2. Copies of A Year in Nature with Stan Tekiela and The Lives of Wolves, Coyotes, and Foxes from NatureSmart.
  3. A copy of A Year in Nature with Stan Tekiela from NatureSmart.

Submit your best wildlife photo today!

